Samantha Agate is the Talent Guru here at Talent Recap. Her work has been featured at The Blast. Samantha graduated from Hunter College in 2019 with a degree in Media Studies and a Concentration in Journalism. When she isn't binge-watching reality television shows or binge-eating fried food, she loves hanging out with her friends and family and petting puppies.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
We have seen tons of animal acts on Britain’s Got Talent over the years but nothing quite like Amanda and Miracle. Their audition truly captured the hearts of the entire audience and brought the judging panel on to tears. Watch the incredible audition below.
Amanda and her rescue dog Miracle came to Britain’s Got Talent with such a heartbreaking story. She has always loved dogs and said that rescue dogs “despite what they’ve endured before blossom into the most amazing beings.” She described Miracle as “very spiritual, very emotional” and is the best friend of her son Kyle who has cerebral palsy and is autistic. Amanda said that if she won the show with Miracle it would “be like a rags to riches story.” She used Simon as a volunteer during this performance and placed 40 cards in front of him with pictures of all of her rescue dogs. Simon was in awe that Amanda has rescued so many dogs.
Simon then was instructed to separate the photos into four piles. He took one photo from each pile. The photos were then distributed to the four judges. It was hard to tell which direction the act was headed at this point since Miracle was ushered offstage. But Amanda then tells the audience that she will explain her story in a video. The video explains that Miracle grew up in terrible conditions and was rescued from the dog meat trade. He was found shoved in a cage with 1,000 other dogs. This is the moment that made literally everyone in the audience cry including Alesha Dixon. At first, the rescuers thought Miracle was dead but then he opened his eyes. “It was a miracle he was still alive,” the video said which is how he got his name. She brought him back to Scotland and nursed him back to health.
Amanda has 40 dogs, 19 of them which are rescues. Miracle now gets to live a happy life with all of his fluffy brothers and sisters. After the emotional video, Amanda got back to the four photos that the judges were holding. She then directed everyone’s attention to another video that she and Miracle made before their audition. In the video, she told Miracle that they only have room to take four dogs to meet the Britain’s Got Talent judges. Amanda called upon the judges to reveal the photo of which of her rescue dogs they had. Sure enough, Miracle opened up a door that revealed the four dogs that the judges had photos of. They were actually there and they ran across the stage.
“I thought that was such a great act,” Amanda Holden said. The entire panel of judges is full of dog lovers. David Walliams praised Amanda for dedicating her life to rescue dogs. Alesha Dixon said that she is so proud that they are using Britain’s Got Talent to “raise awareness for something so important.” No surprise here, Amanda and Miracle recieved four yes’s and will be moving on to the next round with all of their furry friends.
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Amanda and Miracle have to wait before they face the judges again on this season of Britain’s Got Talent. Even though the live shows have been delayed, Amanda continues her advocacy for pet rescuing and stopping the dog meat trade. She started a crowdfunding campaign to help raise money for small rescue teams who are helping to rescue dogs in the meat trade. She encouraged people to donate and promised to show pictures and videos of the dog’s progress after being rescued. For more information on how to help, you can click here. Amanda also wrote a book about Miracle’s story, an inspirational tale that “proves miracles really can happen.
Miracle has also become the newest ambassador for the World Dog Alliance which is an organization that also helps put an end to dog consumption.
We are proud to announce that Miracle is the new ambassador to World Dog Alliance! 🏆 Our first meeting was at Parliament last year to gain support from UK government to put a ban of the consumption of dog in place and have UK support! Country by country, province by province..🗺
— Miracle’s BGT Journey (@savingmiracle) July 2, 2020Amanda hopes they can make real change and save as many dogs as possible. Sharing Miracle’s story on Britain’s Got Talent definitely made a huge impact on the world.
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