15 National Costumes of the Miss Universe Contest With Powerful Backgrounds, Ranked

Each Miss Universe contest has a section with national costumes that give the competitors a chance to wear an outfit that they feel represents their home country. For viewers, it can be both breathtaking (after all, clothes are a huge part of what makes Miss Universe) and educational. We picked and ranked 15 of our favorite costumes. 15. Miss Kosovo The costume is based on a marriage tradition in Kosovo. When a woman gets married, she is believed to be leaving the sad house behind, and no food is prepared for 3 days after that.

15+ Celebs Who May Be Wearing Perfume That Is Cheaper Than Yours

In their daily lives, celebrities truly get to pick from the best of the best, whether this means clothes, cars, houses, or pretty much anything they want. However, when it comes to perfumes, you will notice that some of their fragrances of choice aren’t very different from ours. Bright Side looked into the scents worn by some of your favorite celebrities, highlighting those that don’t require you to break the bank. You might be surprised to see that one of the actresses on this list prefers men’s cologne!

20 Sweet Photos That Made Us Go, OMG, My Heart, Please

Seeing a bright smile on your kid’s face as soon as they recover from being ill or noticing how your dog likes to hold his feet when he sleeps. These sweet things have the power to uplift us, even on the worst of days. Fortunately, some people take photos of these moments so we can all appreciate them. Bright Side has found the sweetest side of life on Reddit and brought it to you with this compilation. Enjoy this carefully curated list of endearing photos. 1. “This little girl designed a sweater in school and her granny made it for her to wear.

20+ Photos That Show Whats Hidden Behind Ordinary Things

The internet isn’t just full of photos of cats and manicure ideas, there are also things that usually stay behind the scenes: secret doors, weird mechanisms, and photographers’ and videographers’ tricks. Internet users like to share pictures of what actually happens on the set of films, in laboratories, and at universities. Bright Side has decided to take a look at some ordinary things and find out the way they actually look and work. Did you really think they only had one tiny microphone?

20+ Unreal Yet Real Pictures That Were Taken at the Right Time and Place

Street photography, or candid photography, is a form of photography that documents everyday life in public places. It involves documenting unplanned and real interactions between people, animals, and objects in public areas. This genre is definitely one of the hardest since street photographers don’t know what to expect, so they always have to stay on high alert for anything that catches their eye. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

200+ good golf team names: cool ideas for you and your friends

Golf is a club-and-ball sport played by millions worldwide. Since it's also a social sport, playing in a team can be motivating. Having a team with a catchy name adds excitement to the sport. If you are looking for good golf team names, these are cool ideas for you and your teammates. Golf is one of the wealthiest sports played for recreation and competition. Finding a good team name is crucial if you are in a team.

90% of teachers have an unfavourable view of Ofsted

The DfE and education secretary are also highly unpopularThe schools inspection body Ofsted has come in for much criticism from teachers recently following the suicide of headteacher Ruth Perry in January after discovering that inspectors were downgrading the school’s rating. Now the results of a new YouGov Teacher Track survey of more than a thousand teachers show that fully 90% have a negative opinion of Ofsted, including 67% who have a ‘very’ unfavourable view of the schools inspection body.

Ad of the Month UK: Sainsburys

This month Sainsbury’s achieved the highest uplift in Ad Awareness of any brand in the UK with a +16.6 riseSainsbury’s festive marketing campaign was on the end of racist abuse following the launch of its first ad this year. The ad, which followed a black family celebrating the festive season over a number of years, combined lo-fi footage and a nostalgic voiceover. But if Gravy Song’s detractors hoped to have damaged the campaign, data from YouGov BrandIndex suggests the backlash may have had the opposite effect.

Coaltown Coffee | Artisan Coffee For The Community

We supply about 240 customers, mostly in Wales, but we also sell in Selfridges, and to places like Oxford, London and Bristol. We’ve also got two outlets in Ammanford itself. I went to New York, the way they do things in Brooklyn is really inspiring. I thought, ‘We can do that in Ammanford.’ So we found a unit in the Edwardian arcade. The rent wasn’t ridiculous so it was a good opportunity to test our ideas.

Competition Gets Tough With Relay Dances, Double Elimination on 90's Night

TALENTRECAP.COM Talent Dancing With The Stars Corey Cesare Corey Cesare Corey Cesare is Talent Recap's Managing Editor and featured YouTube Host. She has a love of all things pop culture and an unhealthy obsession with celebrities. Corey earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and Cinema/Screen Studies from the State University of New York at Oswego in 2021. She spends her spare time shooting astro, nature, and portrait photography, and coming up with movie ideas that she hopes to make into a film someday.