Online 'Day of Action' for Net Neutrality Will Feature Free Speech Arguments

Net neutrality supporters preparing for Wednesday’s online protests to defend the set of rules enacted two years ago by the Federal Communications Commission are using the freedom of speech to bolster their case. The Obama-era rules, codified in the 2015 Open Internet Order, aim to prevent internet service providers from blocking, slowing or otherwise unreasonably discriminating against content that end-users could access. On July 12, in response to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to undo the rules, a slew of prominent websites and companies intend to show their support for net neutrality.

Robert Peston popularity & fame

Robert PestonExplore the latest public opinion about Robert Peston Fame Fame is defined by the % of people who have heard of this topic. 63% Popularity Popularity is the % of people who have a positive opinion on a topic. 27% Disliked by 15% Neutral 21% ncG1vNJzZmixn6q0sMKNnKZnrZtkvLG1jpupqK%2BjmnyTu8Geqa2XgJrAtbvN

Strange Cave with Stairs Found in Antarctica

What comes to your mind when you hear the word Antarctica? Most likely, “cold, snow, ice, and penguins.” Yet, this is one of the least explored regions in the world that hides many strange and unique things. Check them out. You don’t have to go to Antarctica to see this weird thing. All you need to do is open Google Earth and move to one of the southernmost islands of Antarctica — King George Island. Recently, Internet users have noticed a large and pretty strange cave entrance there.

The Story of Kate Winslet, the Actress Who Broke Hollywoods Expectation of Perfection

When we hear about Kate Winslet, our minds usually go back to the movie Titanic. We imagine her lying on a door at sea, talking in dismay with Jack, whom she would lose a few minutes later. But beyond that performance, which helped the film win an Oscar, Kate is a woman who has vindicated natural beauty and has become an example for us to learn to fall in love with our bodies. At Bright Side, we deeply admire the work of this great actress, but above all, her great courage to become a spokesperson for the love of real bodies.

THEN and NOW Acts That Auditioned on America's Got Talent and Britain's Got Talent!

TALENTRECAP.COM Entertainment Trending Talent Recap Thumbnail Reading Time: 3 minutes Get ready to witness a remarkable showcase of talent that defies borders. In this list, we unveil the ten most triumphant acts that have left their mark on both America’s Got Talent and Britain’s Got Talent. Brace yourself for the awe-inspiring return of these extraordinary performers, as they prove that true talent knows no boundaries. loading="lazy" 5.

Voting Intention: Conservatives 48%, Labour 24% (18-19 Apr)

Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures The first YouGov/Times voting intention figures following Theresa May's shock calls for a snap election sees a significant increase in voting intention for the Conservatives who are up four points to 48%. Labour meanwhile are on 24% (from 23% last week), giving the Tories a 24 point lead. These results represent the highest vote share for the Conservatives since May 2008, and is also the strongest lead for the Tories since that period.

Wait, Rob Riggle Was in 'The Hangover'?

TALENTRECAP.COM Entertainment Celebrity Taylor Fox Taylor Fox Taylor Fox is the Managing Editor of Talent Recap. When she's not covering entertainment news, she can be found baking, reading, or exploring NYC. Taylor is an avid traveler and her cultural work has been published in a variety of magazines and websites including New Territory Magazine, Missouri Life Magazine, Reuters, Baroque Lifestyle Magazine, The Common Ingredient, and more. → Recent Posts

Walkers Salt 'n' Shake Crisps popularity & fame

Walkers Salt 'n' Shake CrispsExplore the latest public opinion about Walkers Salt 'n' Shake Crisps Fame Fame is defined by the % of people who have heard of this topic. 96% Popularity Popularity is the % of people who have a positive opinion on a topic. 61% Disliked by 11% Neutral 24% ncG1vNJzZmixn6q0sMKNnKZnrZtkwbC8yJyqaJufo8C2ucSrZp6woKG8s7GOrKWam5tkpKK4yp6prJeDlrm1q82YiqGZm5qshL7IrKes

Why We Sleep (and Some Other Facts About Dreams)

Most people spend about a third of their life sleeping, or at least trying to sleep. According to experts, when we sleep, we go through different stages (and not all of them include dreaming). But that still leaves us wondering why we sleep and dream. Some explanations say that in light of evolutionary theories and psychology, sleeping has the function of helping us solve problems. While some others indicate that this process helps the body restore and rejuvenate itself. Bright Side researched some of the theories about why we sleep and dream.

Xochitl Gomez Named Season 32 Winner

TALENTRECAP.COM Talent Dancing With The Stars Jill O'Rourke Jill O'Rourke Jill O’Rourke is a contributor at Talent Recap, writing news stories and recaps for shows like ‘AGT,’ ‘The Voice,’ and ‘American Idol.’ She graduated from the University of Georgia with a degree in English and Film Studies, and has been writing about pop culture since 2012, with previous bylines at Crushable and A Plus. Jill spends her free time binge-watching sitcoms and daydreaming about life as a hobbit → Recent Posts