Meet 'RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars' Top 4 Queen Ra'Jah O'Hara

Catherine DiMeglio Catherine DiMeglio
Catherine DiMeglio

Catherine Di Meglio is a content writer and YouTube host at talent recap. With a love of all things entertainment, she earned her Master’s degree in media management from Wagner College in 2021. Catherine is a New York City girl who has many passions including beauty and fashion, photography, traveling, and making memories with loved ones.

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| September 1, 2021 Ra'Jah O'Hara RuPaul's Drag RaceVH1 / Paramount+ ©2021 Paramount+, Inc.

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This season of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars has featured a “game within a game,” lip sync extravaganzas, and of course, the road to Ru-demption. Many queens have battled it out in hopes to reach the top spot this season, but only four remain in the hopes to become America’s next drag All Star. Ra’Jah O’Hara, is one of the top four finalists remaining in the hopes to snatch the crown. Here’s everything you need to know about the standout performer.

Ra’Jah O’Hara is a Dallas Native

The queen was born Benni Miller on December 31, 1985 in Dallas, Texas. There, she attended the Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. In an interview with the Dallas Observer, the queen admitted that she was apprehensive about representing her city.

“I feel pressure representing Dallas,” O’Hara said. “But I’m extremely happy and proud to continue representing the best of Dallas’ drag culture… “Although there’s a thriving drag scene (in Dallas), there’s not a lot of spaces for queens of color. You have to know somebody to know somebody to get on shows. So that’s another reason I wanted to be on RuPaul’s Drag Race. To take it to the masses, to the world.”

The Queen Took Part in a Six-Way Lip Sync Battle


O’Hara was first introduced to the world when she competed on season 11 of RuPaul’s Drag Race. On episode three, she was involved in the show’s first ever six-way lip sync battle. Here, she competed against Honey Davenport, A’Keria Davenport, Plastique Tiara, Scarlet Envy, and Shuga Cain.

The queens left it all on the floor while performing Jennifer Lopez’s “Waiting For Tonight.” The battle was pretty messy, as there was barely any room on stage for the queens to truly perform. It was also pretty difficult to showcase all the queens on camera. Nonetheless, Ra’Jah O’Hara survived the battle and lived to see another day in the competition.

O’Hara is a Member of the Drag Haus of Davenport

The All Stars queen is a member of the Drag Haus of Davenport. She shares her drag family alongside Drag Race alum Kennedy Davenport, Sahara Davenport, Monet X Change, Honey Davenport, and A’keria C. Davenport. For those who may not be familiar, houses serve as alternative families primarily consisting of Black and Latino LGBTQ individuals. They are meant to provide shelter, solace, and safety for those who have been kicked out of their blood related families due to aligning with the community. Houses are led by “mothers” and “fathers” who are usually older members of the drag scene.

Ra’Jah O’Hara was sent packing on season eleven after her costume for the “unconventional design challenge” earned a comparison to the character Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. After appearing on the show, O’Hara shared that she received a multitude of backlash from fans.

“I didn’t expect the death threats,” she revealed in an interview. “I didn’t expect all of the racism I’ve received from ‘fans’ of a show. A show that’s basically about loving not only others but loving ourselves, it’s hard to deal with a lot of the backlash. But I still try to lead with love and keep my energy positive and keep it moving.”

The Drag Star Recreated Her Winning Look From All Stars 6

In a collaboration with, you can watch Ra’Jah O’Hara recreate the winning “Eye See You Queen” look from episode nine of All Stars 6. In a DIY tutorial, the queen shows fans how re-create her design in the “Drag Tots” challenge. The site also includes all the materials used by O’Hara in the video. At fans can shop all the essentials used by queens in the “Werk Room” to create their own legendary looks.

Tune in on Thursday to watch Ra’Jah O’Hara come one step closer to becoming America’s next Drag Race All Star. Catch the show on Paramount +.

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