Who is the Bride? The Masked Singer Prediction & Clues!

Kyle Montplaisir Kyle Montplaisir
Kyle Montplaisir

Kyle Montplaisir is a contributor and host at Talent Recap. He is the lead detective for the site on 'The Masked Singer' and an encyclopedia of knowledge on 'The Voice' and 'American Idol'. A graduate of Pepperdine University, Kyle is originally from Arizona, but now lives in Los Angeles. When he isn’t watching talent shows and game shows, Kyle loves eating dessert, singing karaoke, and spending time with his wife, Hannah, and dog, Stella

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| November 9, 2022 Bride performs on 'The Masked Singer'CR: Michael Becker / FOX

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Masked Singer Season 8 is bringing a brand new dynamic! With high-stakes double eliminations weekly, every week is a battle to the finish. And this whole new format allows for a record 22 contestants throughout the season. Buckle up, because it’s going to be a wild one!

And in comes the Bride! A giant pink dragon dressed in a bridal gown, this is a wildcard of a singer. Are they male or female? And can they sing? Let’s decode the clues we have so far and get to the big prediction!


Clues on The Masked Singer Season 8

Similar to the other contestants, we only got one clue for the Bride ahead of the season premiere. In an Instagram, we see a wedding ring. Fitting for a Bride!

Then, on Hall of Fame Night, all the clues came out! The first one was during Bride’s walkout, when it said he’s “smashed a rock.” When his clues started, The Bride had a British accent, but it’s unclear if it’s real or not. He vowed to “rock” and threw a red rose. He said he’s always telling “feel-good stories.” One of the men in black holds up a globe with a crown on it. The Bride claims he has a “rugged personality” and “lives on the road selling out arenas.” He has an “appetite for destroying things.” He’s seen breathing fire on someone.

The Bride mentions being “notorious for being in some of the messiest feuds.” We see a pin with a rocker hand and another with a yellow snake on it. He’s gone “the solo route” but came here to “master a new commitment with all you Masked Singer freaks.” One of the men in black holds a gold oval resembling a belt buckle with music notes on it over his stomach/waist. The last clue was a goat wearing an “ACTION HERO” medal around its neck.

Popular Guesses for The Masked Singer Bride

Nicole honed in on the “action star” clue. thinking it might be Jean-Claude Van Damme or Steven Seagal, but also pointed out the accent and guessed David Coverdale from the band Whitesnake. Guest panelist Joel McHale thought the British accent was fake. Robin went with Carrot Top for his guess.


Who is the Bride on The Masked Singer?

With all the clues and that oh-so-recognizable voice, we only have one prediction here. Who could take on the wrestling ring AND The Masked Singer stage? There’s only one person up to the challenge and that is…

Chris Jericho!

He’s had a very successful wrestling career but also some success in music! And let’s take a look at how all the clues line up.

The walkout clue that Bride “smashed a rock” checks out because Chris Jericho won his first world title after pinning The Rock. We also saw a globe wearing a crown, which could be a nod to his many world championship titles or his song “King of My World,” which he used as a walkout song during his wrestling career. He also mentioned that he “lives on the road selling out arenas,” which definitely lines up with his wrestling matches around the world.

Many of his clues generally tie into wrestling, like being an “action hero,” the gold music note belt buckle resembling a championship belt, and the fact that he has an “appetite for destroying things.” He talked about being “notorious” for his “messy feuds” and Chris Jericho has had MANY of them, with wrestlers include Christian Cage, Shawn Michaels, Edge, CM Punk, and Kenny Omega, just to name a few. We also saw a rocker hand on a pin, which is a reference to his rock music endeavors as the lead singer of Fozzy.

Do you agree with our prediction? Let us know in the comments and tune into a new episode of The Masked Singer THIS Sunday to see if he’ll make it through another week.

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